Monday, June 30, 2008

Cerclage tomorrow

At our Dr. appt today we saw that my cervix has continued to shorten and funnel. So, tomorrow morning they will be performing a cerclage. They will give me a spinal block (yes, I am pretty scared about that part) and then the Dr. will stitch my cervix closed. They said it is a pretty easy procedure and the Dr. who will be doing it has done many. They are hopeful that since we are doing it early, we will have good results. We have to be at the hospital at 6:00am and the procedure is scheduled for 8:00am. Hopefully, all will go well and it will be out patient.


Brainard said...

Dear Wendy,
We will be praying for you for your appt. tomorrow. We will be thinking of you as Eva, Brenda, and I go for our walk tomorrow morning.
Love, Beth

Brainard said...

Just wondering how your appointment went? Beth