Saturday, July 12, 2008

Contraction Action

Well, I have ended up back in the hospital with contractions. I had been feeling something on and off for a few days-but wasn't sure if what I was feeling was contractions. My Dr.s instructions said to call if I had more than 5 or 6 an hour and I really couldn't tell. I asked about it during my regular OB appointment on Wed. and they told me to call if something didn't feel right. Although I knew what they meant in theory, never having been pregnant before-especially with three-nothing really "feels right"! So, I called the High Risk Dr. on Friday just to be sure everything was okay. They put me on a contraction monitor and checked my cervix. They said the cerclage looked good and was holding-but that I was having contractions and they wanted to admit me. When they got me on the contraction monitor in the hospital, I was having contractions every 4-5 minutes. They put me on an IV drip for 24 hours and the contractions have just about stopped. So, they are stopping my IV and are going to see if they can be kept away with oral medication. They are going to see how I do over the night and decide what to do from there. Hopefully, I will be sent home on Sunday or Monday. We are just taking it one day at a time!

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