Monday, September 8, 2008

A Good Report

Today I received some positive news about each of the kids. Matthew has been being treated for his PDA (the opening outside the heart). It had gotten bigger again and lots of blood was going through it. While he was being treated over the last two days, they had stopped feeding him milk. The recent medication worked to a degree and the opening has gotten smaller. So, they started feeding him again. The doctors are going to watch it and see how he does. He has had all of the courses of medication that he can, and if it reopens, it will have to be closed surgically. He has continued to grow and is now over 3lbs!

Andrew came off the ventilator today and is back on C-PAP. They also changed his antibiotics to help fight the infection. However, both boys are anemic and they treat that with a blood transfusion. So, both boys had that done today.

The tiny princess of the group is doing great! Today, she came off the photo therapy and off the CPAP. She is breathing on her own. Let's pray that continues! She is also up to her max on continuous feeding and they will start feeding her over a shorter period of time soon.

We appreciate the cards, e-mails, and facebook notes. I apologize that I have not responded to most of them. Please know we read them and they are an encouragement to us. Many of you have asked how you can pray for each child specifically. As of today, here are some needs:

Matthew-that his PDA will close and he will tolerate his feeding.

Andrew-that the bleeding in his head will be absorbed and not increase and that his infection will go away.

Anna Kate-that she will continue to do well with her respiration and feeding and will put weight on. She also has a different muscular issue with her heart that we hope will close as she grows.

1 comment:

Becky McKeen said...

Our God is an awesome God. Praise Him for the tiny blessings he has given you. We will continue to pray, thanks for the specific requests. Love to all Becky(Turner)McKeen